When this pair of brothers from eastern Canada decided the time might be right to sell their childhood hockey and baseball cards, they showed the collection to a dealer who offered them $1,000.00. Thinking they might be able to do a bit better, they contacted me. They decided to consign the cards to us here at AA sports cards. LONG STORY SHORT, WE REALIZED OVER $5,000.00 FOR THE COLLECTION! Needless to say, both brothers were very happy! So happy that one of them took the time to write a review/testimony about their experience consigning with AA sports cards.
I just wanted to give a shout out to Mike and Dave at AA Sports Cards. In the 1970’s my brother and I got a paper route and for the first time as a young teen and pre-teen we had a small disposable income. We would go to the local small store or 7-11 and maybe buy a pop and a chocolate bar but we would usually pick up a pack of hockey, football, or baseball cards. It ended up that we had several thousands of cards before sports, school and eventually girls came into the picture. At one point we were sure they had gotten lost or thrown out by our well meaning mother. However, somewhere around 30 years later we found them. Now it’s been over 50 years since we purchased these cards, and with my brother being 65 and myself just about to turn 64, my brother asked me how long do we intend to keep them? Well I took on a task of cataloging all these card so we could find out what they might be worth. This took me hundreds of hours. I purchased penny sleeves to protect them and bought boxes to hold them all. Now how to sell them? A friend of my brother had a relative that owned a sports card shop and he was coming to our city to purchase products to sell. My brother asked me if I was fine to sell them and I said yes. Because of this I decided to do some research before he came to look at our collection. I came across AA Sports Cards on YouTube. Here was Mike doing some wonderful videos and I thought why not give Mike a call. When I spoke with Mike he was great. Very professional and extremely knowledgeable about the products we had. Mike even knew card #s for many of the cards we had. I talked with him for several minutes and came away very impressed. I told him about a buyer coming to see our cards and we would get a price from this buyer but I wasn’t expecting a terrific offer and if not I would tell my brother not to take the offer and that we should take our chances with AA Sports Cards. He thankfully agreed with me and the buyer gave us an offer of $1000.00 CDN. Now there’s never a guarantee with an auction of course but our risk was $500.00 each for product we had purchased at about five to ten cents a package? I called Mike back and he walked me through what to send and not to send. He said it might take a while to go through this large a collection possibly several weeks. Well since we have had these cards for over 50 years what’s a few weeks. I was thrilled to see the video Mike made and how much detail he went into while describing our cards. I also kicked myself for the hours I spent needlessly cataloging my cards. We watched the auction every day and were SO HAPPY with the result. Our cards sold for over $5000.00 !!! If you have ANY doubt about AA Sports Cards I hope this will help you decide. I would do this over in a heartbeat and have already begun to mention AA Sports Cards in conversations with others. Thank You So Much.
Alberta, Canada.