I’m happy to announce that, in addition to buying collections outright, I’m also offering consignment sales for quality vintage and modern sports cards. Over the years, I have purchased countless (well, I’ve lost count) collections for cash, in person and through the mail. The primary way I do business is paying people for their collections up front and in cash! (Or via e-transfer, if you prefer.) Doing things this way provides benefits to the seller in the sense you receive a guaranteed price and the payment is immediate. You also don’t have to spend another minute of your time dealing with your collection, including going down the rabbit hole of trying to sell it via an online auction, or dealing with anonymous tire kickers via social media sites!
With the introduction of consignment sales for quality items, I’m offering people a new way to potentially realize a greater return for their high value collections, still without having to do any work! The major differences between a consignment sale and an upfront sale are: a) all items are sold via auction, so the market decides the true value of your collection, and, b) the owner of the collection would only be paid after the sale is made and the funds have been deposited in my account. I still do all the work of selling your collection, but you just have to wait a little bit longer for your money. Typically, consignment sellers would be paid out about 2 weeks after the auctions close, depending on how busy I am, and the size of your collection. If you’re not in a rush, this is a great way to get more money for your sports cards and memorabilia.
As far as the actual selling process goes, (while there are some exceptions for niche items), I would typically sell your cards or memorabilia on eBay. This way, there is full transparency to the selling process, and your goods have exposure to a wide international audience. I have been an eBay Power Seller since 1998 and have 100% positive feedback, (with over 6000 individual positives), and a very loyal and large following. Both of these attributes are key factors in making items stand out on eBay and attract multiple bidders during an auction.
If you’re interested in a consignment deal, you may use the form below to contact me, or you can email me directly at info@aasportscards.com, or better yet, give me a call at 604-726-1774. I look forward to hearing from you, Mike!
Contact Me About Consignment Sales