Even Though His Cards Were Old, Condition Equals Value! Watch As I Pay $1,500.00 Cash For This Collection!
|There is a time tested mantra in real estate (“location, location, location”). A similar sentiment when it comes to vintage sports cards is, “condition, condition, condition”. Before meeting me, this gentleman sent his cards off to a large volume dealer in the USA whose advertising promised many things, including paying the highest prices, etc! After this company received his cards and made him an offer, he was literally shocked at how low it was! He requested they send the cards back to him, and then he called me. When we met and I looked at the stuff, I knew right away why their offer was so low! For the most part, the collection had definitely seen better days! While some of the material was better than others, most showed varying degrees of creasing, corner wear or in the case of an old Mickey Mantle, his uniform number written on front! People often think it is easy to sell material like this but nothing could be farther from the truth! In today’s market, a lot of dealers pass on low grade material very quickly because the majority of collectors will seek better looking stuff to spend their hard earned money on! I am still buying vintage material in any condition! If the collection is large enough and contains enough major stars and HOF players, I will do my best to try to buy it! I was able to beat the American dealers offer and purchased the collection for $1,500.00. If you listen to the owner of the cards talk in the video, he does come to the realization that condition equals value and that he ultimately received a fair price from me for the kind of quality he had (even if he accidentally called me Al instead of Mike)!! He got cash money from me without any more time/effort on his part. If you reside anywhere in Canada, and have a large collection of old sports cards and you want to liquidate your holdings without any more work than necessary, give me a call or e-mail to discuss what you have. I can be reached by phone (604-726-1774) or e-mail at info@aasportscards.com or mchark@shaw.ca